Let me be straight with you!!
If you want to earn money from ANY network marketing businesses, you obviously MUST have a continual flow of prospects.
It’s not as hard to find them as you may think.
Especially these days with the Internet, you can reach people everywhere. And, now days a “lot” of people are actively looking to earn extra income, you just need to get your offer in front of them.
You may be thinking, “gee, I love the concept (products, compensation plan, etc) of my program, but WHERE do I find prospects for my business?”
First off, if you want to build your business much faster, you should look for people who are “looking “ for a way to make extra money from home, “before” you look for “customers.”
Well, because “business builders” are customers too, but they also want to earn money for whatever reasons (like they just lost a job, they hate their job, or they need more money and/or time for ???).
So, you have one or more of these things in common, AND, your income will grow “much” faster with this approach.
It will take time, so I suggest you COMMIT to a long-term plan of action. And, ACTION is your “key” to success in any home-based business. Commit to 18 months minimum.
“Prospecting” is THE Most Important Action you can take. My 114 page book, “Over 250 Ways to Find New Prospects,” should help you find several ways to get your business going.
Read it here: http://FreeProspectingBible.com/ (find 6 to 12 ways that you feel comfortable with and you would do consistently). It's FREE, so make sure to go get it now, before I decide to charge for t.
Don’t be a sales person. Become a “Master Inviter,” and invite tons of people to your website and let “it” do the presentation for you. Then, follow up with these new prospects and simply see who wants to do this same SIMPLE process!! :~)
Do these SIMPLE Step again and again and you can’t help but to succeed!!
To our Mutual Success and Freedom,
Nick Hetcher
Host of http://nixthenews.com/ (news and views for home-biz owners)
P.S. Also, make sure to check out my Ultimate Home Business Resource Center at http://freedom2u2.com/ for many excellent marketing tools and systems and a few good business opportunities.
If you want to earn money from ANY network marketing businesses, you obviously MUST have a continual flow of prospects.
It’s not as hard to find them as you may think.
Especially these days with the Internet, you can reach people everywhere. And, now days a “lot” of people are actively looking to earn extra income, you just need to get your offer in front of them.
You may be thinking, “gee, I love the concept (products, compensation plan, etc) of my program, but WHERE do I find prospects for my business?”
First off, if you want to build your business much faster, you should look for people who are “looking “ for a way to make extra money from home, “before” you look for “customers.”
Well, because “business builders” are customers too, but they also want to earn money for whatever reasons (like they just lost a job, they hate their job, or they need more money and/or time for ???).
So, you have one or more of these things in common, AND, your income will grow “much” faster with this approach.
It will take time, so I suggest you COMMIT to a long-term plan of action. And, ACTION is your “key” to success in any home-based business. Commit to 18 months minimum.
“Prospecting” is THE Most Important Action you can take. My 114 page book, “Over 250 Ways to Find New Prospects,” should help you find several ways to get your business going.
Read it here: http://FreeProspectingBible.com/ (find 6 to 12 ways that you feel comfortable with and you would do consistently). It's FREE, so make sure to go get it now, before I decide to charge for t.
Don’t be a sales person. Become a “Master Inviter,” and invite tons of people to your website and let “it” do the presentation for you. Then, follow up with these new prospects and simply see who wants to do this same SIMPLE process!! :~)
Do these SIMPLE Step again and again and you can’t help but to succeed!!
To our Mutual Success and Freedom,
Nick Hetcher
Host of http://nixthenews.com/ (news and views for home-biz owners)
P.S. Also, make sure to check out my Ultimate Home Business Resource Center at http://freedom2u2.com/ for many excellent marketing tools and systems and a few good business opportunities.