Tuesday, October 6, 2009

BLASTOFF - Get the Coolest "Home Page" FREE > (and Earn Money)

Get the absolute coolest "home page" for your computer for FREE.

Refer friends and earn commissions 10 to 20 levels deep! This is a home page you will definitely want.



You're About to Learn About the Next (F.REE) MONSTER SOCIAL MEDIA That Will Blow Your Socks

Off and Where "YOU" Can Benefit Financially - BIG-TIME!!!

Please allow me a few minutes of your time. I know we all want a "better life" and are seeking THE best way to make money from home so we can have more,

do more and give more. We want "Time" AND "Financial" FREEDOM! I have been involved in home businesses for a long time, even owned a successful company.

Like you possibly, I have seen them all. There are very few that excite me anymore. Most are smoke and mirors, start-ups that will indeed fail within a year or two.

You do NOT want that. Nor do I. We want something STABLE yet EXCITING!! Well, I can say without reservation that THIS is it! THIS is what you have beenn looking

for and I want to PROVE it. It's all about a 37 year old NYSE co. that has combined efforts with the next MOST AWESOME and COOLEST SOCIAL MEDIA

COMPANY called "BLASTOFF." There has NEVER been ANYTHING like this as you will see in a minute!! NOTHING! PERIOD!!!


Let's start here > PLEASE at "least" listen to this 4 minute recorded call: 512-703-6148 (opt #1) AND then watch this 5 minute video overview that gives you

great insight to this AMAZING opportunity > http://blastoffnetwork.com/?page_id=16 Here's a 25 minute detailed overview: www.JobExit.info on how PPL and

Blastoff work together (yet seperately). Here's my Demo link of what YOUR home page will look like (do NOT, NOT , NOT sign up from this page yet) >

http://ppl.blastoffnetwork.com/nickhetcher (play around with it).

Blastoff is THE Coolest home page EVER. It's an INGENIOUS Marketing FUNNEL for Pre-Paid Legal (PPL) and "also" an income source on its own. There's

mega PPL money behind it. Trust me on this one, you will want to sign up and start marketing to as many people as humanly possible "before" the masses do. The

window of opportunity is NOW! I will send you info EARLY on Oct 12th on how to sign up f.ree that morning and earn commission 10 (or 20 levels) deep on your

downline's retail purchases (and they get 1% to 15% refunds on their own purchases) from over 400 top retailers like: Best Buy, Target, Sears, Starbucks, iTunes,

etc. and have the COOLEST "home page" on the planet. You can also call me today and find out how to get into PPL "before" Oct 12th (normally $249 - Special price

of $72) and get the jump on the rest of the world with Blastoff. PPL pays a YEAR's "ADVANCED" commission DAILY (up to $300 on a $35.95 sale). Find out how

people 100, 200+ levels deep in your Blastoff organization will financially benefit "your" PPL business. INGENIOUS! Or, just join Blastoff f.ree on Oct 12th

thru my link I'll send you then and have the coolest home page and earn 10 levels (PPL people earn 20 levels) on every purchase from over 400 retailers. The last

time I got in "early" like this I build 11,000 in 4 months, and 300,000 in a year before that. That's peanuts to what we have here. It really is, no crap or BS. Blastoff

should build an organization of million for those of us who jump on this EARLY. The BIG window of opportunity is the next 3 weeks or so. Make sure to check

out the links above and then get back to me if you are ready now. If you want to wait until Oct 12th for your f.ree Blastoff website, then make SURE you do get

signed up then. You have nothing tat all to lose (there are no catches). there are great marketing tools, and I have also build a personal prospecting website and

have my book ("Over 250 Ways to Find New Prospects") ready for you and your team to grow this VERY fast! I really want YOU to join me and let's RETIRE

financially sound in the next 1 to 2 years.

More info & to Join: JobExit.info

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